O.N.E. Global Connect is your online Global Light Connection. It is a Collaboration News Hub, Blog and Social Networking site of Enlightenment and Elevation
disseminating, enhancing, connecting, and sharing knowledge to help you live in
Your Higher Self of Greatness.
Creative Director
Queen Miata
“In order for one to Elevate,
one must think higher thoughts than the present level on which one exists.
In order to think higher thoughts, one must be Enlightened. ”
~Queen Miata

In thee Universal Consciousness of Oneness embodying Universal Laws,
One Nation Enlightened Global Ministries exist to Enlighten and help one
Elevate into their Higher Self, into ‘THE ALL’ of their
Existence, into their Greatness.
A Global Community that exists in the Divine Creation of Love, Life and Light,
where one is enlightened to exist in ‘THE ALL’ of who they are.
Thus, creating a light that Guides and Inspires others to
Exist in their Higher self.