Spirit stated, “Because 3000 yrs. of darkness must end.“
Universal Laws Study Group | Begins April 20, 2025
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Complete 7
Hetepu Kingdom! Welcome to Thee Universal Laws
Here’s something you need know. In 2018, Spirit instructed me to build a Nation Enlightened in Thee 7-Divine Universal Laws.
Thee 7- Divine Universal laws are the Universal Laws of Energy created and understood by Our Ancestors, Black people, and they cover all the Laws of Science and Self. Science means to know, and Spirituality means to Know Thyself. The Universal Laws are an interdisciplinary study, which means in studying one you will reference others.
KNOW THYSELF. KNOW YOUR DIVINITY. KNOW YOUR ENERGY. Learn and study Thee 7-Divine Universal Laws as given to me by Spirit. You may ask, why? As Spirit stated, because 3000 yrs. of Darkness must end.
The 3 Immutable Universal Laws
The Universe is Mental
As Above, So Below
The Universal Law of Correspondence: the Law solidifying the understanding that we are Divine Beings. The Law that ‘Balances the World’.
Everything vibrates
The Universal Language is Frequency
The 4 Mutable Universal Laws
Nature exists in duality. Everything has an opposite
The Coming Forth…
Everything has a Masculine and Feminine principle
When you Understand your Coming Forth, you will know why
Our Holy Trinity Re-establishes Civilizations
For Every Cause, there is an Effect and For Every Effect, there is a Cause
You are a Force to Be Reckoned With
Our Environment is a System of ONENESS, constantly balancing and always connected through a Rhythmic Beat
Your Becoming, Your Rhythmic Beat